Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Salsa (Fresh pt1)

I have recently discovered that my favourite fresh salsa, Rojo's Restaurant style is not available at my local grocers(I recently moved, hence the sudden inaccessability).

As a result, I have been forced to wander into the salsa unknown. My first foray: Santa Barbara Hot.

Stay. Away. From. Santa Barbara Hot Salsa. It's not hot, at all, this "hot" would qualify as mild in any other brand. I'd hate to see what their mild is like. It also has a vaguely overpowering taste of ... I'm not entirely sure what it is, I'm thinking it's unripe tomatoes. It's chunky and watery, it's not blended at all.

I know this review is short, but honestly, there's only so much you can say about unmanageable salsa that only tastes like unripe tomatoes and has no kick.

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